Your Business Sustainability Partner
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What's new in Management System?
12/05/2020 07:49
When you have your food safe on your table, do yo know it has to go through the following ISO standards to be safe for you; ISO 4254 -> ISO 15077 -> ISO 22005 -> ISO/TS 22002 -> ISO 1496 -> ISO 3874 -ISO 11784 - ISO 22000 - ISO 3873 -> ISO/TS 15495. Click and enjoy this vedio....
16/12/2016 18:55
India’s life sciences industry has traversed a successful journey in the past 50 years. From an era of import dependency in the pre-1970s, high-quality local players moved the country toward self-sufficiency in life sciences by the 1990s. Since then, worldclass capabilities have helped the Indian...
16/12/2016 18:48
Certificates to ISO/TS 16949:2009 will no longer be valid after 14th September 2018. This document provides guidance for the transition from ISO/TS 16949:2009 to IATF 16949 and has been approved by the IATF. This document is applicable to all relevant parties (e.g. organizations certified and/or...
01/06/2014 08:26
There are significant changes taking place within the management system standards. ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 AND ISO 45001 are being revised to meet the requirements of the high level structure as specified by ISO Guide 83.
ISO Guide 83 - this document provides guidance to the committees...
30/05/2014 14:36
In October 2013 a project committee, ISO PC 283, met in London to create the first working draft of ISO 45001. Using OHSAS 18001 - the internationally recognized and adopted British Standard for Occupational Health and Safety – as the blueprint, the standard will also be aligned with...
15/12/2013 17:49
ISO 9001is getting revised in 2015
Clear 2 year advance information for you all to read, understand and be preapred to change.. says ....
"For a start, we could look back at the incredible success of these standards in promoting quality management (and ISO !) around the...
17/10/2013 15:52
Sensitise your organization on energy management. Our client has achieved significant savings by just creating awareness on ISO 50001-2011. Would you like to attend a focused training on Energy Planning & Settingup of energy baseline... Please contact us, and we will respond as promptly as...
What's new in Sustainability?
20/03/2014 08:58
Indian Parliament has passed the historic Companies Bill, 2013. The Companies Bill makes it mandatory for the group of corporates to initiate CSR effectively. Therefore, it is necessary to unfold the crucial elements mentioned in the Bill and disseminate it with the members for their better...
E-Qual receives appreciation from TI Group
E-Qual receives appreciation from Mahindra & Mahindra
for knowledge support in implementing Energy Management System to ISO 50001: 2018
"We are extremely delighted to have your consultancy for the successful completion of the process
Thank You for all your support and guidance"
MRV Infra Management
E-Qual receives appreciation from Salcomp
We are extremely appreciative of the efforts of Management Consultants E-Qual.
As implementing partner of Assist, they developed skills, 20 QEHS Champions (Quality, Environmental, Health and Safety ) in our supply chain and bringingout an excellent QEHS implementation handbook for continued guidance in their day to day implimentation
Managing Director
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E-Qual Engineering & Systems Pvt. Ltd.
+91-98400 52914