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ISO 31000 Risk management— Principles and guidelines

ISO 31000

What is Risk management?

AS/NZS 4360:2004 – Australia, defines Risk Management as:

Risk management implies the management to reach the optimal balance between the seizure of the opportunities and the limitation of the negative impacts.


What is ISO 31000?


ISO 31000 provides principles and generic guidelines on risk management.

  • can be used by any public, private or community enterprise, association, group or individual. Therefore, ISO 31000 is not specific to any industry or sector.
  • can be applied throughout the life of an organization, and to a wide range of activities, including strategies and decisions, operations, processes, functions, projects, products, services and assets.
  • can be applied to any type of risk, whatever its nature, whether having positive or negative consequences.

Although ISO 31000 provides generic guidelines, it is not intended to promote uniformity of risk management across organizations. The design and implementation of risk management plans and frameworks will need to take into account the varying needs of a specific organization, its particular objectives, context, structure, operations, processes, functions, projects, products, services, or assets and specific practices employed.

It is intended that ISO 31000 be utilized to harmonize risk management processes in existing and future standards. It provides a common approach in support of standards dealing with specific risks and/or sectors, and does not replace those standards.

ISO 31000 is not intended for the purpose of certification


The ISO 31000 family includes:

  • ISO 31000: Principles and Guidelines on Implementation
  • IEC 31010: Risk Management - Risk Assessment Techniques
  • ISO/IEC 73: Risk Management - Vocabulary


How does Risk Management benefit an organization?

  1. creates and protects value
  2. is an integral part of all organizational processes
  3. is part of decision making
  4. explicitly addresses uncertainty
  5. is systematic, structured and timely
  6. is based on the best available information
  7. is tailored
  8. takes human and cultural factors into account
  9. is transparent and inclusive
  10. is dynamic, iterative and responsive to change
  11. facilitates continual improvement of theorganization


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E-Qual receives appreciation from TI Group


E-Qual receives appreciation from  Mahindra & Mahindra

for knowledge support in implementing Energy Management System to ISO 50001: 2018 


"We are extremely delighted to have your consultancy for the successful completion of the process


Thank You for all your support and guidance"




MRV Infra Management

E-Qual receives appreciation from Salcomp

We are extremely appreciative of the efforts of Management Consultants  E-Qual. 
As implementing partner of Assist, they developed skills,  20 QEHS Champions (Quality, Environmental, Health and Safety ) in our supply chain and bringingout  an excellent QEHS implementation handbook for continued guidance in their day to day implimentation
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