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Carbon foot print of our daily life style

29/11/2015 16:39

Digital footprint

Sending even a short email is estimated to add about four grammes (0.14 ounces) of CO2 equivalent (gCO2e) to the atmosphere.
To put this into perspective, the carbon output of hitting "send" on 65 mails is on par with driving an average-sized car a kilometre (0.6 of a mile).
This is due to greenhouse gases produced in running the computer, server and routers but also those emitted when the equipment was manufactured.
It gets worse when you send an email with a large attachment, which puts about 50 gCO2e into the air. Five such messages are like burning about 120 grammes (0.27 pounds) of coal.
Receiving a spam message -- even if you do not open it -- has an environmental impact of 0.3 gCO2e.
The global carbon footprint from spam annually is equivalent to the greenhouse gases pumped out by 3.1 million passenger cars using 7.6 billion litres (two billion gallons) of gasoline in a year.
Here is something to keep in mind the next time you type in a non-essential Google enquiry: A web search on an energy-efficient laptop leaves a footprint of 0.2 gCO2e. On an old desktop computer, it is 4.5 gCO2e.
And that text message? It comes at a cost of about 0.014 gCO2e.

Paper or plastic?

Plastic grocery bags each have a carbon footprint of 10 gCO2e, but the paper ones are even worse at 40 gCO2e each.
Store-bought bottled water has nearly 1,150 times the emissions attached to it than a glass poured from the tap.
A 500-millilitre (one-pint) bottle is responsible for 160 gCO2e compared to 0.14 gCO2e for tap water.

Food choice

A large cappuccino comes with a footprint of 235 gCO2e, partly because of the emissions from raising the cow which produced the milk. 
For a cup of home-made black tea or coffee for which just enough water was boiled, the figure is 21 gCO2e.
The carbon footprint of cycling a mile:
65g CO2e: powered by bananas
90g CO2e: powered by cereals with milk 
200g CO2e: powered by bacon 
260g CO2e: powered by cheeseburgers 
2800g CO2e: powered by air-freighted asparagus
meat-rich diets - defined as more than 100g per day - resulted in 7.2kg of carbon dioxide emissions. 
In contrast, both vegetarian and fish-eating diets caused about 3.8kg of CO2 per day, 
while vegan diets produced only 2.9kg.


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