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Education in the context of Service Provisioning is known as "Learning Service", therefor this standard is applicable to "Learning Service Providers"

ISO 21001 : 2018 Educational Organizations : Management system for educational organizations

ISO 29990 Standard for learning service providers 

This is a standard defining general requirements for following learning services
  • vocational training, 
  • life-long learning and 
  • in- company training (either outsourced or in-house)

The Standard provides the following :-


Benefits for the learners

  • Transparency/comparability of learning offerings
  • Transparency/comparability also over country borders 
  • Liability of the offers 
  • Information about criteria for assessment of studying offers
  • Optimized processes 
  • Improved learning environment
  • Provosion of resources, including trainer with sufficient competencies
Benefit for services providers
  • Robust Business process re-design based on P-D-C-A cycle
  • Clearly defined and documented processes 
  • Internal development of quality capability 
  • adoption of quality standards for quality assurance translated into systematic quality development 
  • Involvement of staff with active participation during the processes of change and quality improvement 
This can be successfully implemented by the service provider when:
  • management sets an active example of a new approach to quality management; 
  • there are sufficient opportunities for staff members and teachers to introduce their own ideas; 
  • there is sufficient empowerment to shape the processes;
  • specialist and resource responsibility match;
  • information and communication are transparent; and 
  • the active participation of the staff members is ensured.
Benefit for companies 
  • Improvement of the comparison of educational services providers for internal trainings and external courses 
  • can sustainably develop a new learning structure in the company with support of learning services providers in the following ways.
  1. Ensuring the interaction between educational establishments and companies and/or students
  2. Education is increasingly being regarded as a business oriented service
A number of factors determine the quality of business oriented service:
  • the extent to which it builds on knowledge an employee already possesses 
  • the degree to which it is geared to his/her field of activity 
  • the degree to which it is tailored to company needs and practice 
  • the successful transfer of the acquired knowledge or skills to the place of work
Benefit for contract placing authorities 
organizations such as employment offices, subsidies, public funding agencies, procurement by public authorities and international organisations and sponsors
  • Defined uniform requirements 
  • Comparability 
  • Certainty of law
Benefit for international cooperation 
  • Common quality base by uniform standard / Common understanding of quality 
  • No distortion of competition 
  • International comparable scales for quality development
  • Basis for the elaboration of more specific requirements for international educational cooperation


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E-Qual receives appreciation from TI Group


E-Qual receives appreciation from  Mahindra & Mahindra

for knowledge support in implementing Energy Management System to ISO 50001: 2018 


"We are extremely delighted to have your consultancy for the successful completion of the process


Thank You for all your support and guidance"




MRV Infra Management

E-Qual receives appreciation from Salcomp

We are extremely appreciative of the efforts of Management Consultants  E-Qual. 
As implementing partner of Assist, they developed skills,  20 QEHS Champions (Quality, Environmental, Health and Safety ) in our supply chain and bringingout  an excellent QEHS implementation handbook for continued guidance in their day to day implimentation
Managing Director

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