Your Business Sustainability Partner

Economic Resposibility

It is about adding value to and creating wealth for a wider economic system. 

The system comprises of





Economic  system and Economic Value to Stake holders

Direct Economic value generated    Stake holder in the economic system Economic value distributed Economics Management system Economic Value retained


Consumer Operating efficiency Quality Management  
  Supply chain Oppertunity and profit share Quality Management  
  Employees Employee wages and benefits HR Management  
  Lenders Interest Financial Management  
  Share holders Dividents Financial Management  
  Government Payment of Taxes Legal Management  
  Local community Community Investment (CSR) Corporate Social Responsibility Management Revenue retained for wealth creation



Economic responsibility means:- 

"An organization ensures that it is profitable, while at the same time continues to provide value to all its stakeholders"

In order to accomplish this goal, an organization must adopt sustainable Policies, Programs and Management System


In the context of sustainable business, an organization will have economic impact over its stake holders as shown in above table. The Economic value generated, distributed and retained will be as result of:- 

  1. How well Risks of Enterprise Resource are managed?
  2. The quality of  corporate governance
  3. The standards of Management Systems
  4. Sustainable business policies and programs

Such a Quality Management System will focus on :-

  1. Legal compliance
  2. Risk based control
  3. Reduction of variation and waste
  4. Continual improvement
  5. Fair distribution of economic returns amongst stakeholders
  6. Profitability that can provide for environmental stewardship & social accountability


ISO and other Standards provide comprehensive Management System Requirements for various sectors to help comply with economic responsibility


Courtesy : Indian Express group

The Per Jacobsson Foundation Lecture, 2016

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E-Qual receives appreciation from TI Group


E-Qual receives appreciation from  Mahindra & Mahindra

for knowledge support in implementing Energy Management System to ISO 50001: 2018 


"We are extremely delighted to have your consultancy for the successful completion of the process


Thank You for all your support and guidance"




MRV Infra Management

E-Qual receives appreciation from Salcomp

We are extremely appreciative of the efforts of Management Consultants  E-Qual. 
As implementing partner of Assist, they developed skills,  20 QEHS Champions (Quality, Environmental, Health and Safety ) in our supply chain and bringingout  an excellent QEHS implementation handbook for continued guidance in their day to day implimentation
Managing Director

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