Your Business Sustainability Partner




Courtesy : climateparliment

Climate change mitigation in developing countries

This report "Prepared for the Pew Center on Global Climate Change" provides an insight into the climate change mitigation in developing contries

Energy sector

Potential for GHG emission:
Energy Supply-Side Efficiency
Energy Demand-Side Efficiency
Reduced Gas Flaring
Residential Biogas Digestors
Improved Household Stoves


Mitigation options

Green House Gas Mitigation options
Carbon     Demand-side energy efficiency
  Supply-side energy efficiency
  Electricity transmission and distribution
  Renewable electricity technologies
  Fuel switching (gas for coal)
Methane Enhanced cattle feed
  Anerobic manuare digesters
  Low methane rice varieties
  Cultivation practices
Nitrous oxide Improved fertilizer application
  Nitrification inhibitors




INDC  intended nationally determined contributions’ 


Climate Education Tool Kit

Classes K-4

Lesson 1:
Ecosystem Exploration

Lesson 2:
Water Scarcity

Lesson 3:
Join The ECO club

Classes 5-8

Lesson 1:
Filtering Water

Lesson 2:
Deforestation Research Assignment Introduction

Lesson 3:
Interpreting Climate Change Graphs

Classes 9-12

Lesson 1:
Global Deforestation

Lesson 2:
Food and Water Supplies Under Stress

Lesson 3:
Understanding the Greenhouse Effect




29/11/2015 16:39

Carbon foot print of our daily life style

Digital footprint   Sending even a short email is estimated to add about four grammes (0.14 ounces) of CO2 equivalent (gCO2e) to the atmosphere. To put this into perspective, the carbon output of hitting "send" on 65 mails is on par with driving an average-sized car a kilometre (0.6 of a...

Search site

E-Qual receives appreciation from TI Group


E-Qual receives appreciation from  Mahindra & Mahindra

for knowledge support in implementing Energy Management System to ISO 50001: 2018 


"We are extremely delighted to have your consultancy for the successful completion of the process


Thank You for all your support and guidance"




MRV Infra Management

E-Qual receives appreciation from Salcomp

We are extremely appreciative of the efforts of Management Consultants  E-Qual. 
As implementing partner of Assist, they developed skills,  20 QEHS Champions (Quality, Environmental, Health and Safety ) in our supply chain and bringingout  an excellent QEHS implementation handbook for continued guidance in their day to day implimentation
Managing Director

Log-in : "My E-Qual"  Gateway


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