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Quality economics standards

Quality economics mut address Productivity,Quality, Cost, Delivery, Safety that are acceptable to Stakeholders. Morale is high to encourage principle of "Right to work"  and engage in productive employment. 
Though economics is a 'big' word, Quality actually means providing products and services exhibiting principles of "Product Responsibility"at the least cost addressing every reuqirements of stakeholder. In the economic sense, there is a sustainable demand and supply only when cost is affordable to all stake holders. Customer is the major stake holder, but not the only stakeholder.
Fundamental to accomplishing Quality Economics is a Quality Management System that is built based on healthy Standards, Guidelines, Best Practice using
Management System Element Quality Management Principle
Strategic Planning Methods

Principle 1 – Customer focus

Principle 2 – Leadership
Risk Management System

Principle 7 – Factual approach to decision making

Policy Management System  Principle 2 – Leadership
Resource Management System

Principle 3 – Engagement of people

Principle 4 – Process approach

Information Management System

Principle 4 – Process approach

Tools & Techniques appropriate for realization of Products & Services

Principle 4 – Process approach

Principle 5 – Improvement

Management information system Principle 6 – Evidence based decision making
Management Review System

Principle 2 – Leadership

Principle 6 – Evidence based decision making

Principle 5 – Improvement

Stake holder engagement systems

Principle 3 – Engagement of people 

Principle 6 – Evidence based decision making

Stake holder disclosure systems

Principle 1 – Customer focus

Principle 2 – Leadership

Principle 6 – Evidence based decision making


The Juran trilogy

Quality economics is best illustrated by Juran, who was one of the first to write about the cost of poor quality. 

This was illustrated by his "Juran trilogy", an approach that gives rise to cross-functional management, which is composed of three managerial processes:

Quality planning

Quality control 

Quality improvement

Edward Deming

Dr. Edward Deming, the Quality Guru once said
"It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory"
Though sarcastic, every alphabet in this oozes truth
He authored a continual improvement philosophy that you will begin to see in every enterprise
Deming calls this philosophy  as PDCA  (Plan, Do, Check, Act) Cycle

Quality Management System

Sevelar appraoches are possible to Manage Quality and resultant cost of quality. The best amongst every approach is Deming's Fourteen Points for Total Quality Management
  1. Create constancy of purpose for improvement of product and services
  2. Adopt the new philosophy
  3. Cease dependence on mass inspection
  4. End the practice of awarding business on price tag alone
  5. Constantly and forever improve the systems of production and services
  6. Institute modern methods of training on the job
  7. Institute modern methods of supervision and leadership
  8. Drive out fear
  9. Break down barriers between departments
  10. Eliminate numerical goals for the work force
  11. Eliminate work standards and numerical quotas
  12. Remove barriers to pride of workmanship
  13. Institute a vigorous programme of education and training for everyone
  14. Create a structure in top management that will push every day on the above 13 points
As the system becomes more complex, there is a need to rely on Standrads for Quality Management. ISO provides several standards generic as well as sector specific guidelines for standardizing Quality Management.
The best Quality Management System will integrate Juran trilogy with ISO and create a Total Employee Involvement by empowering employees with Tools & Techniques. Improvement systems will have been institutionalised with formal structures for Daily Work management, Employee suggestions, Small Group Activities, Kaizens and Cross Functional Team efforts

Tools & Techniques for Quality Economics

There can not be one single comprehensive list of tools & techniques needed to improve Quality cost and quality economics. But an attempt has been made here to provide a guide in selecting Tools & Techniques appropriate for the needs in Quality Planning , Quality Control during operation and Quality Improvement to improve economics
                        Plan                           Do                            Check Act
  Quality planning Quality Control Quality Improvement
  Tools & Techniques
Policy planning X-Matrix
Context analysis
Balance Score card
Risk control
Management Review
Management System Planning ISO Standards, GMP. GLP, TQM, TPM, 100 PPM
Daily Work Management Planning
Process Mapping
Competence Mapping
Turtle Diagrams
Quality Operating System (QOS)
Business Operating System (BOS)
Internal Audit
On Job Training
Root Cause Analysis
Total Employee Invlovement (TEI)
Suggestion Schemes
Small Group Activities
Cross Functional Team efforts
People Planning Competency Planning
Competency mapping
skill gap analysis
Competency assessment
Competency Building (Training & other actions)
Performance Management
Product Planning  DFMEA
Proto Type Planning
Design Verification Plan
Design Validation Plan
Control Plan
Reliability Improvement
Value Engineering
Mistake Proofing
Process Planning  PFMEA
Pilot Lot Plan
Measurement system plan
Process verification Plan
Process Validation Plan (Capability studies)
Lot sampling plan
Control Plan
Process Performance studies
Measurement system analysis
Mistake Proofing
Technology adaptation
ERP integration




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E-Qual receives appreciation from TI Group


E-Qual receives appreciation from  Mahindra & Mahindra

for knowledge support in implementing Energy Management System to ISO 50001: 2018 


"We are extremely delighted to have your consultancy for the successful completion of the process


Thank You for all your support and guidance"




MRV Infra Management

E-Qual receives appreciation from Salcomp

We are extremely appreciative of the efforts of Management Consultants  E-Qual. 
As implementing partner of Assist, they developed skills,  20 QEHS Champions (Quality, Environmental, Health and Safety ) in our supply chain and bringingout  an excellent QEHS implementation handbook for continued guidance in their day to day implimentation
Managing Director

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