Our Servises | |||
Consulting for implementation of IRIS requirements | Training, skill & competence development | Internal audit of IRIS requirements | Supply chain development to enable IRIS compliance |
International Railway Industry Standard is based on ISO9001 and has over and above ISO 9001 some major requirements:
Railway specific elements are highlighted in red colour
0 Foreward
1 Scope
2 Normative reference
3 Terms and definitions
4 Quality Management System
4.1 General Requirements
4.2 Documentation Requirements
4.3 Knowledge Management
4.4 Management of Multi Site Projects
5 Mangement responsibility
5.1 Management Commitment
5.2 Customer Focus
5.3 Quality Policy
5.4 Planning
5.5 Responsibility, Authority & Communication
6 Resource Management
6.1 Provision of Resource
6.2 Human Resource
6.3 Infrastructure
6.4 Work Environment
7 Product Realization
7.1 Planning
7.2 Customer Related Proces
7.3 Tender Management
7.4 Project Mangement
7.5 Design & Development
7.6 Configuration Management
7.7 Purchasing
7.8 Production & Service Provision
7.9 Commissioning & Customer Service
7.10 RAMS/LCC (acronym for Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety) and Life Cycle Costing (LCC)
8 Mesurement, Analysis & Improvement
8.1 General
8.2 Monitoring & Measurement
8.3 Control of Nonconforming Products
8.4 Control of Nonconforming Processes
8.5 Analysis of Data
8.6 Improvement
As gainst 6 Procedures to be documented for ISO9001, IRIS requires 13 Procedures to be documented
As against 3 Process in ISO 9001, 19 Processes are required for IRIS
ome of the more specific requirements are:-
Knowledge Management
Management of Multi Sites Projects
Requirement Management
Competence,Awareness and Training
Infrastructure Management
Tender Management
Integration Management
Scope Management
Time Management
Cost Management
Communication Management
Risk and Opportunity Management
Change Management
First Article Inspection
Configuration Management
Outsourcing (Make or Buy)
Supply Chain Management
Commissioning / Customer Service
Control of Nonconforming Processes
for knowledge support in implementing Energy Management System to ISO 50001: 2018
"We are extremely delighted to have your consultancy for the successful completion of the process
Thank You for all your support and guidance"
MRV Infra Management
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