six principles of Anti-Bribery Management for commercial organizations to practice
What is an anti-bribery management system?
An anti-bribery management system is designed to instil an anti-bribery culture within an organization and implement appropriate controls, which will in turn
increase the chance of detecting bribery and reduce its incidence in the first place.
ISO 37001, Anti-bribery management systems – Requirements with guidance for use, gives the requirements and guidance for establishing, implementing, maintaining and improving an anti-bribery management system. The system can be independent of, or integrated into, an overall management system.
It covers bribery in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors, including bribery by and against an organization or its staff, and bribes paid or received through or by a third party. The bribery can take place anywhere, be of any value and can involve financial or non-financial advantages or benefits
The main benefits of implementing that system are :
4. Context of the organization
4.5. Bribery risk assessment
5. Leadership
5.1.1 Governing body
5.1.2 Top management
5.3.2 Anti-bribery compliance function
5.3.3 Delegated decision-making
6. Planning –
7. Support
7.2.2 Employment procedures
8. Operation
8.2. Due diligence
8.3. Financial controls
8.4. Non-Financial controls
8.5.Implementation of anti-bribery controls by controlled organizations and by business associates
8.6. Anti-bribery commitments
8.7. Gifts, hospitality, donations and similar benefits
8.8. Managing inadequacy of anti-bribery controls
8.9. Raising concerns
8.10. Investigating and dealing with bribery
9. Performance evaluation
9.2. Review by anti-bribery compliance function
9.5. Governing body review
10. Improvement -
The following are notable ones
Section 7. Public servant taking gratification other than legal remuneration in respect of an official act.
Section 8. Taking gratification, in order, by corrupt or illegal means, to influence public servant.
Section 9. Taking gratification, for exercise of personal influence with public servant
Here is an example of such offence:
Principle 5: Governance and anti-corruption (Sample Code of Conduct was commissioned by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP))
The Company has zero tolerance for corruption. All employees must never offer to provide anything of value directly or indirectly to government officials and business partners to secure an undue advantage.
The company prohibits payment, offers of payment as well as anything of value directly or indirectly with the purpose of influencing or obtaining undue business or personal advantage.
Third parties will only be contracted to perform tasks which aid business interests provided:
Sample Code of Conduct for .Small and Medium Enterprises - United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Establishment of strong corporate governance within companies is the first key step in addressing corruption problem. Internal measures is not only a tool that raises efficiency, improves access to capital, and ensures sustainability — it is also emerging as an effective anti-corruption tool
Corporations must assess risks and opportunities in these areas to establish a strong anti-corruption culture in their organization as well as supply chain
Typical heightened transactions having risk of bribery:
GRI G4 has Anti-corruption as one of the many Social Aspects requiring Disclosure:
Following Indicators are comparable
G4-SO3 Total number and percentage of operations assessed for risks related to corruption and the significant risks identified
G4-SO4 Communication and training on anti-corruption policies and procedures
G4-SO5 Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken
THE BRIBERY ACT2010 (UK) Guidance about procedures which relevant commercial organisations can put into place to prevent persons associated with them from bribing
Practical Guidance on How to Conduct FCPA Due Diligence
United Nations (UN) Convention against Corruption;
World Economic Forum’s Partnering Against Corruption Initiative;
Transparency International’s Business Principles for Countering Bribery;
International Chamber of Commerce Rules of Conduct to Combat Extortion and Bribery;
UN Global Compact’s 10th Principle
Corruption comes in many forms, and there are many ways to challenge it.
This easy-to-un derstand, animated definitions will have you speaking the language of anti-corruption in no time.
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